
As a business, you need to protect your investments, and your website is no exception. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated with their methods, as proven by the explosion of security breaches at major global companies.

Not all security testing is created equal. Many companies run automated or manual scans that only do a basic job. Edge Webware takes a different approach. We do in-depth penetration testing (also referred to as pen testing or ethical hacking) that dives much deeper into your systems, attempting attack vectors to uncover hidden exposures you might have. This gives your clients the peace of mind to know that any information they share with you stays with you. Trust is a key component of any business, and our security services make sure you’ll have it.


Some of the most robust security training for ethical hacking is offered by Offensive Security. Our OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) developers conduct pen testing to identify security vulnerabilities and then develop mitigation strategies to ensure they are resolved.

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