New SSL & Browser Shows Error

Have you had your website migrated recently or updated your SSL certificate and noticed that your browser is throwing a big security error? That might be because the old SSL had been cached on your browser.

Traditionally when we think of website caching, we think of the page content, images, and stylesheets and scripts. We don’t naturally think of things like the SSL certificate. Browsers do have what is called an “SSL State” and this can be cleared and more importantly, is separate from standard types of cache clearing.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. On the History menu you will want to click Clear Recent History. The Clear All History dialog box will appear. Alternatively, press Ctrl-Shift-Delete to display the Clear All History dialog box and shortcut some of the process.
  2. In the Time range to clear list box, select Everything.
  3. Select the Active Logins check box.
  4. Click Clear Now.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. To access the Delete Browsing History on Internet Explorer 9 or 10, click the little cog icon, and then click Internet options.
  2. Click the Content tab.
  3. Click Clear SSL state, and then click OK.


  1. Click the three bars (hamburger) icon, and then click Settings.
  2. Click Show advanced settings.
  3. Under Network, click Change proxy settings. The Internet Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Content tab.
  5. Click Clear SSL state, and then click OK.